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In the world of nutrition, there is no shortage of debate between meat eaters and vegetarians. Today, we will be discussing whether humans were “Designed” to eat meat or not. Which bags the questions; what is the natural human diet? Are humans’ natural meat-eaters?

One thing is very clear; we humans do love eating meat. Be it roasting, broiling, pan-broiling, pan- frying, stir-frying and outdoor grilling or moist heat.

But, why do we eat so much more meat and why are we wired to drool at the sound and smell of meat sizzling on the pan and grill? The unanswered questions about the origins and evolution of human meat-eating remain a mystery, but there are some strong theories which claim, how and why we started to comprise larger amount of meat in our diet.

Between 2.6 and 2.5 million years ago, the Earth significantly got hotter and drier. Before that climate shift, our ancestor’s diet consisted mostly on fruits, leaves, seeds, flowers, bark and tubers. As lush forests shrank, great grasslands thrived and green plants became scarce, which forced early humans to find new sources of energy.

But our basic anatomical structure shows that humans have much more in common with herbivores than carnivores — or even omnivores! In contrary to carnivores, humans have short, soft fingernails and small canine teeth. Our teeth are much better suited for eating starches, fruits, and vegetables — not tearing and chewing flesh. What many refer to as our 'canine teeth' is nothing at all like the sharp blades of true carnivores designed for processing meat.

Are humans ‘Designed’ to eat meat? Meat was clearly climatic in the advancement of the mortal brain, but that doesn’t mean that meat is still an invaluable part of the modern human diet. We crave meat because of its ethnic significance. Diverse cultures are more or less meat-centric, although there’s a realistic connection between wealth and meat consumption.